’s new video for “We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow” is highly tender and pretty arousing and just a little bit haunting, especially if you have a soft, wet spot for quirky, charming, mostly naked women licking one another’s fingers and taking showers together and stuff. Which, as someone in a committed relationship, I certainly do not. (Ed Note: HA). 

The song’s crucial message is this: we could all very well be dead meat tomorrow so we’d better live and love big while our veins are still full of blood (and we’re still young and fuckable). While not a revelation, it is certainly a rejuvenating notion. Especially when illustrated through the whimsical affections of two attractive ladies who are seemingly unperturbed by life’s external obstacles. Instead, they’re more engrossed in one another’s subtleties and discovering the lovely little complexities that can only be detected in the harsh, harsh daylight that seemingly only exists in this video as a spotlight for both of their angelic faces.

I would have loved this song even without the beautiful visuals. But I extra love it in conjunction with this video, directed by the singer herself, which has a charming nostalgic quality, probably a result of it being Soko’s first video shot entirely on Super 8 film. The most beautiful thing about it, aside from Soko and her companion Meghan Edwards and their soft skin and sheer bliss, is the universality and innocence of its message, which is simply to love freely and unabashedly and without adulteration, which is rare in today’s sexual culture in which we are basically blindfolded (not in the good way) and forced to navigate often unexpressed expectations and arbitrary timelines that ordain to what extent and at what pace human beings are allowed to feel and partake in certain monumental moments.

If you want to know the truth, “We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow” reassures the rightness of my own mentality every morning when I defy the urgency of the alarm clock in favor of intertwined legs and twenty more minutes in my dirty-dog-filled bed and maybe I’m late to work every now and then but who really cares because we might be dead by tomorrow and if that were to happen at least he’d know he was always worth that extra twenty minutes. Maybe watching it will make you feel the same way. Now go back to focusing on data entry or whatever that thing is that you are supposed to be doing which you’d totally forgotten about for the last three minutes and change, that now no longer seems to have any life importance or real meaning at all. SIGH.

 Also, we liked this video so much that we just had to ask Soko’s lovely pixie-haired on screen partner, Meghan Edwards, a a few questions about her participation in this lovey-dovey dreamlike show. Meghan is a musician in her own right, guitarist and vocalist for goth-psych girl band , as well as a DJ and just all-around rad, creative chick. Here’s what she had to say:


So, this video is adorable and makes me feel pretty much like the worst, most unattentive girlfriend ever. How much of this video is based on reality and how much is just a wet dream or acting?

It’s real. As long as it made you feel something. It’s real.

I noticed some heavy petting whilst bathing in this video. Personally, I’ve never really been able to figure out the logistics of successful shower/pool/general body of water sex, what are your feelings about it?

“Sex” isn’t quite as manageable in water…that said foreplay, on the other hand, is a totally different story, and worth getting wet for.

In your own day to day life do you make a real, concerted effort to live by the principles expressed in this song?

ABSOLUTELY #YOLO. I’ve always said “if I had 2 words to describe myself-any two words, they’d be HOPELESS ROMANTIC.

Have you ever written anyone’s name in the sand?


Though it’s more common these days than it used to be, I think the LGBT is community is still wildly underrepresented in the media. Are you a politically active person? When you made this video, were you conscious of the impact it would have on viewers, specifically lesbian identified individuals and members of the LGBT community who often don’t feel accepted or addressed in popular music or romantic plot lines?

I’m not necessarily “active”. I place more value in being aware. I agreed to participate in Soko’s vision simply because I love her, especially her mind and music. Anything in addition to the gift of knowing her, and the never ending magic that comes from her art, is a blessing.

Jane Helpern

About Jane Helpern

Writer & Over-sharer.