The following things happened at CULT JAMS at Piano’s in NYC this past weekend:

1. blew the crowd away with their raucous brand of lo-fi heavy metal.
2. Roxy Cottontail played all of my favorite songs between sets whilst looking unbearably adorable.
3. I drank one thousand three hundred and forty eight whiskeys.
4. Psychic Twin bewitched the packed house with their bittersweet electro-pop.
5. Alice tried to eat some of my cheese fries and I stabbed her in the hand with my fork.
6. played three sparse hauntingly beautiful songs.
7. James Iha was straight chillin.
8. Hunters fucking shredded causing me to mosh with strangers, embarrassing myself, my friends, and probably the band.

Here are photos to prove it:

(all photos by Travis Gillett)



Yasi Salek

About Yasi Salek

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